All letters in your name are assigned a number: from 1 to 9. All letters are placed in the alphabetical order, and numbers are assigned according to their positions: first letter in the alphabet (A) gets number 1, letter B gets number 2, and C is assigned 3, etc.
All letters coming after the 9th letter (I) have a double-digit number, which is reduced to a single one (we are already familiar with this technique by the previous articles). For example, letter N is the 14th one in the alphabet, by reducing its number we get number 5. That is the rule, which is used to form a table of letter-number correspondence.
The table below shows a numerical value for each letter in the English alphabet.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
To discover your personal Expression number you need to: write your full name, refer to the table above and place the corresponding numeric value to each letter in your name. Then all the numbers of your first name should be added, and the number you get – reduced to a one digit. The same tactics must be applied to your last and middle names. After all calculations you should have three 1-digit numbers, add them up and again to get the Expression number. It may happen that during calculations you will face a Master number (which is 11, 22, 33) – it should not be reduced to a single digit.
If you want to read more on the Expression numbers, refer to: "Do Your Own Reading" - The Expression number.