
Our characters, emotions, thoughts, capabilities and actions, are determined by vibration, assigned at birth.


numerology life pathLife path

Date of Birth is your doorway in time. Number of a life path is most important number in your numerology chart.



numerology numbersKeywords of numerology - Basic Meaning of Numbers

Each core number has its positive features, however it also has its negative caveats, which should not beignored in any case.



bible book numerologyBiblical Numerology

Religions believe that all numbers carry special meaning, which may contain hidden secrets of our universe.



celebrities numerology reportCelebrities Numerology

Would you like to know more about famous peoples? - Read our numerology reports.



Hillary Clinton and Donald TrumpNumerology Compares

Common features of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump



personal yearPersonal Year

We are all interested in what our future holds for us. The Personal Year will help you understand this and will provide you with a lot of benefit.



expressionExpression numbers

Read more information about Expression Numbers and all their values: from one to nine.



Numerology Articles






Moon Sign


Plan your life according to moon cycles, bypassing life obstacles and becoming successful in love, business and health.


moon sign astrology calendarWhat is Astrology Moon Sign Calendar?

Lunar calendars are exceptionally useful in vast spheres of life. For centuries the moon has had a great spiritual and emotional allure, and even nowadays there are myths and legends about its beauty and power.



mayan calendarMayan, Chinese and Hijri lunar calendars

Famous Mayan Calendar system was based on moon phases with a great influence of requirement for agricultural activities in the rainforest.





Lunar Cycle and your dietLunar Cycle and your diet

We all love to eat: make our stomach happy and enjoy exotic or, conversely, familiar and traditional flavors.




Lunar Cycle, moonSynchronize your own cycle with the cycle of the moon

Astronomers and scholars think that lunar calendar can predict how living creatures will act and feed.




man, gardenGardening activities according to the Lunar Calendar

Most of us know that moon passes 4 phases during one month, but only few people are aware of influence of these phases on gardening and plants themselves.




chinese, buildingChinese Lunar Calendar

Western calendar has been adapted by the Chinese people not so long ago, before that all day-to-day plans and way of life were led in accordance with their own lunar calendar.









Astrology represent relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world.

what is astrologyWhat is Astrology?

By observing the cycles of the Sun, Moon and other planets, astrologers have noticed the connection between these ancient celestial rhythms with the natural phenomena.



signs of rich peoples Astrology & Business - Signs of rich peoples

Most of billionaires from the Forbes list are born under the sign of Virgo. This conclusion was made after the careful analysis of the statistical data.



Vitamins and astrologyAstrology and Beauty - Vitamins and astrology

The word "vitamins" came from the Latin word "vita" - which means "life".




Love and Zodiac elementsLove and Zodiac elements

Zodiac consists of twelve signs, but we can speak also of triplex-related elements.




Moon in the natal chart of the childMoon in the natal chart of the child

The position of the Moon in the natal chart should be considered in any activity: in the choice of profession, building partnerships and parent-child relationship.




Signs of the Zodiac and SportsSigns of the Zodiac and Sports

Let's talk about the characteristic strengths and weaknesses of people born under different signs of the Zodiac.




Fitness astrologyFitness astrology for the benefits of your body

One of the most recent fashionable trends of Hollywood is the so-called "fitness astrology".





strong-nerves12 signs of Zodiac - who have the strongest nerves?

Life is such an unpredictable thing sometimes - not all marriages are stable and successful.




Feng Shui

Winds come from the sky, water is pressing itself to the ground, winds and water (in Chinese "Feng Shui") are constantly accompany people.

What is Feng ShuiWhat is Feng Shui?

In the Chinese geomancy, wind is corresponding to the heavenly things, and water - to the earth life. The importance of the wind (air) and water for the human life is well known.


Signs of Feng ShuiSigns of Feng Shui

"Feng Shui" uses numerous symbols and signs, but the practical side of this art rests on the ability to read these signs in the environment, that is surrounding a person.


The value of Feng ShuiThe value of Feng Shui

How important the Feng Shui might be? Have you ever got into the unfamiliar house and immediately felt yourself at home?



Five elementsPlants for the people of five elements of the universe

The theory of five elements appeared more than three thousand years ago.




feng_shui_homeStyle your house by the rules of Feng Shui

Here are a few tips on how to choose the style of the house according to Feng Shui.




feng_shui_officeGood feng shui in small offices

The good feng shui can be applied to any space, including the most challenging environments of home and offices.



Feng-shui-mirrorMagical mirrors of Feng Shui

Mirror is indeed a necessary thing for every woman. It follows us everywhere and always. The woFeng-shui-mirrorman essentially needs to please herself and the others with her beauty.


feng-shui-kitchenFeng Shui of your kitchen

A few tips on how to arrange your kitchen according to the Feng Shui.



feng-shui, numbersNumbers in Feng Shui

All the things that are connected with Feng Shui are separated into Yin and Yang. It is essential that both elements were present in equal amounts.



AstroVera is a popular astrology, numerology, lunar calendar, tarot, feng shui, vedic and chinese astrology, biorhythms destination. Site is focused on providing detailed information, articles, programs and other useful information. Customers will find a lot of professional readings, daily horoscopes and useful software.
We are a leading provider of astrological services on the Internet, delivering a various set of personalized astrology readings for beginners and professionals.
For numerology lovers, on our site, we have managed to provide professional numerology software with detailed calculation and professional readings, including love compatibility and pet numerology.
Lunar calendar software provides detailed moon phases calculations on your location. All calculations have detailed interpretations and recommendations for health, mood, diet, beauty, wedding and gardening.



Psycho Matrix Numerology

Numerology of the House Address

Karmic Debt Numbers

Karmic Lessons Numbers

Numerology Karmic Lesson Chart

Telephone number

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