Expression Numbers


Expression Number 1

Expression number one is a portrayal of how you look, what you think, and what your aims through life are.

Number 1 means your skills, powers, idiosyncrasies, and shortcomings.


Expression Number 2

Expression number two shows your skills, achievements and potential, as well as negative sides of yours. Your ability to interpret your skills and ambitions will guide you through the life.


Expression Number 3

Number 3 means your skills, powers, idiosyncrasies, and shortcomings. Your potential to use all that was given to you, all your advantages, will determine how successful and self-realized you are in the life. Your mindset is perfect for creative type of work.


Expression Number 4

Your ability to interpret your skills and ambitions will guide you through the life. Number 4 is not afraid of responsibilities, relationships, ready for love and commitment. Expression number 4 often has a great and sarcastic sense of humor, so use it.


Expression Number 5

Expression number five is a portrayal of how you look, what you think, and what your aims through life are. Number 5 means your skills, powers, idiosyncrasies, and shortcomings.


Expression Number 6

Expression number 6 depicts the coordination of the body and mind, the direction of your actions in life. Expression number six shows your skills, achievements and potential, as well as negative sides of yours. Your ability to interpret your skills and ambitions will guide you through the life.


Expression Number 7

Expression number seven is a portrayal of how you look, what you think, and what your aims through life are. They want to find the answer on the topic of their interest that they can go too far and soon they will need to distinguish reality and fantasies.


Expression Number 8

Expression number 8 depicts the coordination of the body and mind, the direction of your actions in life. Being a perfectionist, number 8 strives to do his\her best to accomplish any goal, even a tiny one. They reach for progress and excellence.


Expression Number 9

Expression number nine is a portrayal of how you look, what you think, and what your aims through life are. You need to develop more realistic views on the society, and after that to use new methods to make it better.


Expression Number 11

Elevens are very understanding and perceptive people who are sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others around them. They can be both artistic and business-minded while sometimes combining the two together.


Expression Number 22

This number is nicknamed a master number because it signifies that the person will be able to accomplish all their goals and dreams. Twenty-twos are okay with all this responsibility because they were born knowing that their life would amount to this.


Expression Number 33

They are people who go beyond just inspiring and teaching others. They have a spiritual enlightenment which few others will ever possess. Thirty-threes possess all the personal character traits and skills that allow them to be the ultimate nurturers.