Unlike many other numbers, Sun Number 5 are fond of changes, they feel alive when everything is in motion. They are the best choice when it comes to a creative and somehow chaotic or non-organized atmosphere. They adapt easily to different changes in their life, but they are really bad in planning. They are addicted to adrenaline, to everything new and their decisions are not deliberate, they are spontaneous. Obviously they are very talkative and have lots of friends and contacts. People with Sun Number 5 are passionate about travelling, sports, photography, and innovations. These people are ready to try the unknown road first.
Number 5s hate the routine, so they try to avoid it even in details. Usually, they are quite unpredictable. Their changeable nature is a basis for their lack of order. So they often pamper themselves. People like this really suffer if they are trapped into tightening life situations with duties and responsibility. They should learn how to distribute their energy right without spreading on everything at once.
Number 5s are the most loving and passionate partners in romantic relationships. Though they are changeable and undisciplined most of the time, they are very committed to their partner, when they find the one. Number 5s can easily surprise and satisfy their partner. Any cheating in the relationships with Number 5 may occur only on the last stages when relationships are at the obvious finish line. Contrasting to their general behavior, when they are in love and inspired by a particular person, they are very loyal and concentrated on a partner. But if the partner hurts them, their seeming stability crumbles.
They don't do anything for no reasons; they don't like to be taken for granted in any sphere of their life. The same is with limitations, as they really value their freedom and demand mutual trust. Sun Number 5s are not so good when it comes to serious relationships if the person is not right to them. But if the partner is the one they are loving, funny, creative and ready to try something new.
Sun Number 5