Julianne Moore NumerologyNumber 22 Life path

Julianne was born under the most successful life path number. Simply said she is shown the big path to achieve yet she can be distracted in to achieving nothing. Julianne is only powerful with the help of others. She has to solicit the help of others to succeed.

Her life path and lesson seems to reflect needing to be the dreamer with her feet on the ground. She must challenge herself to get along with all variations of people and their talents to accomplish what she needs. This is hard for her but she also possesses the capability to learn to do it. The issue is she may not possess the will. Her strength is dealing with issues and population on a grander scale.

Birthday Number 3

Julianne Moore is artistic and imaginative. She has a talent for art and should use it regularly although she would excel at writing or acting. She is also friendly and outgoing with a lot of affection. She is however prone to moody ups and downs which is indicative of artistic people. She is a harmonious way of decorating and dressing.

Number 7 Destiny (expression)

Julianne Moore is likened to a philosopher of mystic. She has a hunger for seeking truth and knowledge and the answer to life’s questions. She is contemplative and needs time to be with herself.  She must balance her 7 with a 3 or a 5 or 8 to not cut her off from the world too severely. Moore must develop a tolerance with those who are not as hungry for knowledge as she does and must remember to show more compassion and patience than she does so. This is important as we said earlier to her achieving her successes by soliciting the help of others which is her life path challenge. Things come full circle for Julianne If she becomes aware of and follows her numerology. Otherwise she is missing her predicted destiny.


The Number 8 the soul urges or heart’s desire

Success to the fullest potential is what Julia Moore wants – luxuries and wealth. She dreams of ambitions and accomplishments.
Moore sees a big picture but needs help delegating. This is necessary to achieve high ideals.
Julie Moore must make supreme efforts. She has as many obstacles as she has dreams. She will be tested in the area of faith and strength.

Julia must learn to wield power in a refined manner. This is her life lesson and she will be tested by circumstances beyond her control so she can learn to use power in a higher form in the way of nurturing others.


Number 9 the personality

Julianne Moore has an elite air yet the impression she makes is controlled and impressive. There are many actors are a 9 personality. They are elegant and flamboyant.

Julianne Moore has the kind of energy that attracts and yet repels in the way of petty jealousy with people. But this does not deter her, it was not her character.

Julianne has a false arrogant energy.  She must learn to come down and match the energy to harmonize with common people. She is actually quite the humanitarian and is better when taking care of humanitarian issues on a grand scale rather than a one on one scale.

Number 5 for luck

She is a lucky 5 and just as lucky as a 3. She is good in this number for risk and change gives her the edge with romance and deep friendship.